- Extra Funds for Local Sections
- Chemists Celebrate Earth Week
- KACS ZOOM Meeting a Success
- Rubber Division Scholarships
- Skills Beyond the Bench
- Professional Chemists’ Code
- KACS Calendar 2021
Sincere Thanks to Pfizer
by Lydia E.M. Hines, Newsletter Editor
In this issue of The KalChemist News we want publicly to extend sincere thanks to all involved with the development and the administration of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine!
I also want to take editor’s prerogative to share with you a touching first-person account of the life-story of Albert Bourla, DVM, Pfizer’s CEO, a Greek scientist of Jewish heritage.
Have you visited our Local Section website recently?
I hope you are aware that our local section KACS has maintained a website, www.kalamazooacs.org, for several years, thanks to the expert help of our webmaster, Mark Wolfman, who graciously continues to update it even though he has been a member of a different Section, due to a residence move, for several years.
There you will find our KACS Vision and Mission Statements:
“We are a dynamic and visionary organization committed to improving people’s lives in our community through the transforming power of chemistry. We strive to advance the broader chemistry enterprise and its practitioners for the benefit of Kalamazoo, Allegan and Van Buren counties.”
Along with a collection of our newsletters since 2003 it includes a large quantity of historical information under the “About Us” tab – there you will find our annual reports since 2010, lists of past chairs and award recipients, our Bylaws and information about how YOU may get involved with us in our programs, or offer to begin a new one – you my even find YOUR, or a friend’s, name in one of the documents. Our Executive Committee is currently working on developing a new website and will be migrating a lot of that information to it, so “stay tuned.”
If you are so inclined, now is a good opportunity to help update our section’s historical narrative! Archival information is housed at the WMU Zhang Archive Collection on Oakland Drive – There should be minutes and newsletters for those 40 years to help jog a volunteer’s memory!
Extra Funds for KACS Local Sections in 2021
by Doug Williams, KACS Treasurer
Challenges posed by the COVID-19 global pandemic and its dramatic impacts on lives and economies has motivated the ACS Board of Directors to provide additional funding to local sections in 2021. These funds are intended to enhance local section efforts to help the Society achieve its mission and vision. Local sections have latitude to spend the funds in a manner consistent with their customary activities.
The Kalamazoo Local Section will receive an extra sum of about $6,000. How do you think we should spend it? Please visit https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3DFQHWJ to submit ideas that you would like us to consider. Alternatively, you may email your ideas directly to Doug Williams at treasurer@kalamazooacs.org. Please see our website at kalamazooacs.org for more information about our current and recent programs.
Chemists Celebrate Earth Week: April 18-24
Through the annual Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW) campaign from April 18-24 chemists around the world will be communicating Chemistry’s value with information about “Reducing Our Footprint with Chemistry”. Due to the continued challenges with COVID-19, the campaign will be fully digital, and ACS is having ZOOM meetings for interested members to learn how to plan Virtual Demo Events and other virtual opportunities for K-12 students as well as higher education and other adult audiences.
ACS is also encouraging local sections to amplify the campaign on social media using the hashtags #CCEW, #EarthDay2021, and #GreenChemistry and to add their virtual events to Facebook and submitting photos, videos, and screenshots to the CCEW 2021 Photo Album.
Local libraries, which have in past years been venues for distribution of relevant literature, are opening with limited opportunities; however, the city of Portage has invited us to participate in their Green-a-thon event on April 25, Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. and our WMU ChemClub has agreed to staff one table to do demonstrations and to make available literature to the attendees.
If you want to get involved but don’t have time to plan events, you can still spread the word via social media as mentioned above. Also, you may call Lydia E.M Hines who has on hand paper copies of this year’s Celebrating Chemistry, as well as some knick knacks – like removable tattoos and stickers – which you may want to request for use with/distribution to friends and family members. She may be reached at 269-375-7349; the activities in those publications are fully vetted for safety and are aimed for use by young people in grades 4-6. If there is a “Little Library” in your neighborhood you may want to place copies of the publication there for folks to pick up and read/learn how to “reduce their footprint.”
ACS continues to be very generous with its educational resources for teachers and parents; digital resources are available at www.acs.org/ccew.
Our First-Ever ZOOM KACS Meeting—SUCCESS!
Featured ACS president H.N. Cheng
H. N. Cheng, Ph.D., President of the American Chemical Society, addressed the Kalamazoo Section on February 22, highlighting “Sustainability and Green Chemistry.” Since the meeting was facilitated by Zoom, some members of the Huron Valley, Upper Peninsula and St. Joseph ACS local sections participated. H. N., as he likes to be called, presided over the social portion of the meeting when we learned about his background and current USDA position in New Orleans. We also shared some Kalamazoo Chemistry stories and learned H. N. had worked with Kalsec to obtain rosemary extracts, a natural antioxidant.
After preliminaries, Ed Thomas, KACS Chair, introduced H. N. Cheng, Ph.D. (additional background information may be found on the ACS website, https://www.acs.org/). He noted the broad support for Green Chemistry. The U.S. House (2019) and Senate (2020) supported sustainability in chemistry. Also, major corporations have committed to this effort. P&G in 2018 and Unilever in 2020 announced their commitment to manufacturing in a recyclable and reusable manner. Dupont recently outlined their sustainability goals through 2030. Over 37 pharmaceutical companies published their guidelines on sustainability. ACS features a myriad of information related to green chemistry on its website, (https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/greenchemistry/industry-roundtables.html). On the global stage, the U.N. in 2015, with 193 members participating adopted sustainability development goals. The ACS picked seven to focus on: zero hunger; good health & wellbeing; clean water & sanitation; affordable clean energy; industries, innovation & infrastructure; responsible consumption & production; and climate action (https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/ sustainability/chemistry-sustainable-development-goals.html). After outlining broad support for sustainability, he focused on his own research and examples of Green Chemistry at the USDA. Most polyurethanes are produced from petrochemical sources. H.N. reacted isocyanates with sucrose in DMF to produce polyurethanes. The original experiments produced brittle plastics. By varying the modifiers, he was able to produce a product with better physical properties. Here a few examples of USDA research are cited. At the New Orleans site, they have investigated using rice batter to lower the oil content in fried food by 50%. At the Philadelphia site, researchers used chicken feathers to create mulching films for gardening that when decomposed at the end of a season add nitrogen back to the soil.
H. N. closed with a plug for ACS activities this year. The ACS Spring 2021 Meeting will be held virtually. Highlighted as a must attend is the Presidential Symposia featuring a presentation on “Sustainability: Advances and Applications. All those in attendance demonstrated their appreciation for the informative presentation with a warm Zoom clap of hands. We are very thankful to H. N. Cheng for kicking off our first 2021 members meeting.
For additional events, please follow the KACS calendar found in the monthly newsletter or on our website.
Rubber Division, ACS Technical Training & Scholarship Opportunities
Rubber Division, ACS offers a Rubber Technology Training Award for an individual already in the rubber industry seeking additional education and opportunities for advancement. The organization also has three $5,000 undergraduate scholarships available for students who wish to pursue a degree in rubber technology, polymer science or the chemical profession. In addition, local Rubber Groups and industry companies recognize and support the need for financial assistance in obtaining a college degree. The deadline has been extended to April 1!
www.rubber.org/rubber-technology-training-award Or contact amb@rubber.org
2021 Skills Beyond the Bench
Register here for the 2021 Skills Beyond the Bench taking place during March 2021.
The Chemical Professional’s Code of Conduct
The American Chemical Society expects its members to adhere to the highest ethical and safety standards. Indeed, the Federal Charter of the Society (1937) explicitly lists among its objectives “the improvement of the qualifications and usefulness of chemists through high standards of professional ethics, education and attainments…”
To refresh our minds regarding standards of behavior which should guide us as chemists in our professional interactions, below is the text of the document which was approved by the ACS Council and the Board of Directors in 2019:
Chemical professionals should seek to advance chemical science while striving for the highest standards of scientific integrity. This includes sharing ideas and information, keeping accurate and complete records, and giving due credit to the contributions of others. Undisclosed conflicts of interest and scientific misconduct, including fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism, are incompatible with this code.
Chemical professionals should be aware of laws and regulations related to the professional conduct of science to ensure that their profession is practiced safely and appropriately.
Chemical professionals should be actively concerned with the health and safety of co‐workers, consumers, and the community. Professionals have a responsibility to serve the public interest and to further advance scientific knowledge. This includes ensuring that public comments are made with care and accuracy to avoid unsubstantiated, exaggerated, or premature statements.
Chemical professionals should treat others with respect and will not engage in discrimination, harassment, bullying, dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, coercive manipulation, censorship, or other misconduct. Such actions apply to all professional, research, and learning environments, regardless of whether or not the action alters the content, veracity, or meaning of research findings, and regardless of whether or not the action affects the planning, conduct, reporting, or application of science.
Chemical professionals should take responsibility to act or intercede where possible to prevent misconduct. This includes reporting suspected research misconduct, as well as any discrimination, harassment, bullying, dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, coercive manipulation, or censorship.
Chemical professionals should be mindful of Implicit Bias and Unconscious Bias and strive to avoid all bias based on race, gender, age, religion, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, presence of disabilities, educational background, or other personal attributes.
Chemical professionals should strive to do their work in ways that are safe and sustainable for the environment. This includes continuing to work to develop sustainable products and processes that protect the health, safety, and prosperity of future generations.
Chemical professionals should serve clients faithfully and incorruptibly, respect confidentiality, advise honestly, and charge fairly. Additionally, they should promote and protect the legitimate interests of their employers, comply with safety policies and procedures, fulfill obligations, and safeguard proprietary and confidential business information.
Chemical professionals should strive for continual professional growth both personally and more broadly in the tutelage of others as a trust conferred by society. Professionals have a responsibility to understand limitations of their knowledge, remain current with developments in their field, learn with and encourage others. *This policy and its history, starting with “The Chemist’s Creed” first adopted in 1965, may be found at https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/careers/career-services/ethics/the-chemical-professionals-code-of conduct.html
KACS Events Calendar
Any member is invited to attend our Executive Committee Meetings; please contact Ed Thomas for information regarding how you may participate.
March 2021
Mar. 15 Seminar, 4 p.m.
Dr. Kayunta Johnson-Winters,
U of Texas at Arlington,
Title TBD.
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88426148109?pwd=VWE1NldZQm43TWY3UzhhZGZHZ21qdz09
(ID: 884 2614 8109;
passcode gfNC43)
Mar. 15: KACS Executive Committee Meeting, 6 p.m.
via Zoom
Mar. 22: Seminar, 4 p.m.
Dr. James Salvador, General Motors. Title: “Sulfide Solid State Electrolytes for Protected Li-metal Anode Batteries.”
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82939294138? pwd=Q0VvOUN0VDFQVmMxL1JQSjFtMVk4UT09
(ID: 829 3929 4138;
passcode: ks9Er8)
April 2021
Apr. 1: Deadline for applications for Rubber Division Scholarships (see related article on page 4)
Apr. 5-16: ACS National Meeting (Virtual)
Macromolecular Chemistry: The Second Century
Apr. 18-24: Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (Virtual).
Topic: “Reducing our Footprint with Chemistry,”
Celebrating Chemistry hands-on activity publications are available from Lydia E.M. Hines
Apr. 19: Seminar, 4 p.m.
Dr. Vasileios Anagnostopoulos, University of Central Florida
Title: “Geochemical controls of manganese oxides in the mobility of anionic contaminants in the environment: the case of iodine and technetium.”
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81359137631? pwd=ZUFJL0FiYXYyVXpFRWUzSm1IaHBCZz09
(ID: 813 5913 7631;
passcode: 9pG5q6)
Apr. 19: KACS Executive Committee Meeting, 6 p.m.
via Zoom
Apr. 25: Portage Green-a-Thon,
11 a.m.—3 p.m.
Portage City Hall on South Westnedge Ave.
Date TBA: Cooperative meeting with Huron Valley Section (Careers)
May 2021
May 17: KACS Executive Committee Meeting, 6 p.m.
via Zoom
Date TBA: Recognition/Awards gathering for Members and Students tentative, Zoom Meeting
March: The Competitive High School Chemistry Exam is Cancelled. Teachers to be contacted to solicit names of an outstanding chemistry student in each of our 35 KACS HS and our 2 post-HS 4-year institutions.
May: Borgess Marathon Run—KACS water station—Cancelled
Meeting Registrations Now Open:
Spring National ACS meeting
Registration for the Spring National ACS meeting, with the theme Macromolecular Chemistry: The Second Century is now open. Complete information can be found at www.acs.org/content/acs/en/meetings/acs meetings.html.
Great Lakes Regional Meeting (Virtual)
Registration for the Great Lakes Regional Meeting (Virtual) is now open; information regarding cost and the seminars and other events planned may be found at www.glrm2021.org.
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