12 events found.
KACS EC Meeting
Contact chair@kalamazooacs.org for information and an invitation
Fall ACS National Meeting
“Elevating Chemistry” Location: Denver Colorado
KACS EC Meeting
Contact chair@kalamazooacs.org for information and an invitation
Project SEED Poster Session
Location: Kalamazoo College Additional information to be sent by e-mail, Face Book, or LinkedIn
KACS EC Meeting
Contact chair@kalamazooacs.org for information and an invitation
Seminar: Dr. M.V. Orna
Title: How Color Changed the World
Chemistry Day at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum
Chemistry Day at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum will be held on October 19, 2024. Volunteers Need: please email Hershel Jude. Topic of 2024 National Chemistry Week: Photography and Imaging Theme: Picture Perfect Chemistry
National Chemistry Week
Topic: Photography and Imaging Theme: Picture Perfect Chemistry
KACS EC Meeting
Contact chair@kalamazooacs.org for information and an invitation
Recycle a Poster – Bell’s Event
Bell’s Eccentric Café