Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (CCEW)
Theme: The Curious Chemistry of Amazing Algae
Theme: The Curious Chemistry of Amazing Algae
Gathering to recognize: -Long-term (50-year/60-year) ACS members in our section - Outstanding College Chemistry graduating seniors from K College and WMU - Outstanding High School Chemistry Students nominated by their Chemistry teachers - 2022 Project SEED participants
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Dow Science Building, Kalamazoo College You’re invited to a Family Science Night at the Dow Science Building at Kalamazoo College (1200 Academy St. Kalamazoo, MI) on Thursday, May 18, 2023 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. We are so excited to explore science with K-12 students and their families. Join us for hands-on science booths designed and run by our science undergraduate students at Kalamazoo College. This year’s theme will focus on science in our daily lives, especially in our environment during the spring and summer seasons! Admission and parking are free. Contact Dr. Josie Mitchell ( if you have questions.
Title: High-throughput ’Omics to Advance Equity in Alzheimer’s Disease.” The 2023 Tourtellotte Lecture will be presented by Prof. Renã A. S. Robinson, Vanderbilt University in The Dalton Theater at Kalamazoo College. Dr. Robinson's research focuses on Alzheimer’s disease and proteomics.
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The Central Regional Meeting for 2023 will be hosted by the Detroit Local Section of the ACS and will focus on the chemistry being pursued within the region. In addition to symposia and poster sessions concerning organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, physical chemistry, biochemistry, and chemical education, some of our other sessions are the circular economy for plastics, sustainability in automobiles, cannabis in undergraduate education, expanding green chemistry in the undergraduate curriculum and research experiences, f-block extravaganza, sustainable and environmentally beneficial polymers, DEI initiatives including social media usage in Industry and Academia, and pollution of the Great Lakes watershed: ...
Volunteers Needed!! To ensure an accurate count of attendees for food and supplies you must register at Eventbrite by June 21: Agenda 4:00 p.m. Welcome and picnic5:00 p.m. Meeting call to order and chair remarks5:05 p.m. Introduction of executive committee and chairs5:20 p.m. Key activities accomplished and planned for in 20235:30 p.m. Benefits of Joining ACS/KACS5:40 p.m. Members Survey and Feedback6:00 p.m. Close of meeting
Theme: Harnessing the POWER of Data
contact for information and an invitation
contact for information and an invitation
register here. KACS Speed Networking is a virtual networking event jointly hosted by Kalamazoo College and the Kalamazoo ACS Local Section. Industry Mentors and students will make connections through five rounds of short break out meetings. The event will be held virtually in Zoom and a computer with a camera is highly recommended.