Project SEED
Project SEED provides summer research experiences in chemistry for high school students from low-income households. This has been a powerful program. Over 11,000 students have participated in the last 50+ years and ACS Assessments show that it has had a strong impact on the academic and career pathways of those students. The Kalamazoo local section has sponsored 88 student projects in the last 30 years.
Each Project SEED fellowship costs our local section $2000 in addition to matching funds from ACS. In response to high enrollment interest, we have expanded our program from three projects in 2022 to six in 2023 and 2024. Every donation helps. 100% of donated funds go directly toward student research stipends. Project mentors and their institutions receive no payment for their participation in Project SEED. To learn more about Project SEED, see the ACS Project SEED website.

Kalamazoo ACS is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and listed as a Silver level charity with GuideStar. A gift receipt will be sent to you after your donation is received.
Donate by mail
Doug WIlliams
Project SEED Coordinator
Kalamazoo Local Section – American Chemical Society
858 Dobbin Dr
Kalamazoo MI 49006
Donate by Zelle® (from online banking apps)
Use email:
Designate deposit as “Project SEED donation”
Donate online through PayPal
Click here to make a donation to Project Seed or to our general fund
If your employer provides matching funds, please direct verification forms and payments (payable to American Chemical Society) to the address above.