May 2020, Vol. 10(3)

Welcome to Launchpad to Learning!

Online Activities to keep you and your kids entertained (and learning)

The Kalamazoo AirZOO will also feature games, activities and documentary clips from some of our cool partner organizations, like NASA! Check back daily to see what new and exciting educational resources for kids and families we have added. You can also join the conversation on social media, which is linked at the bottom of the linked page.

More videos and social media links are available on the Launchpad to learning website.

Fun with Dry Ice
Extracting Strawberry DNA

Great Lakes Region Web-Master Position Available

Dear KACS Members:

Currently, the Great Lakes Region (GLR) has a forum on the ACS Network: GLR cannot exist forever with only this limited forum, as we’ll need to link and archive Great Lakes Regional Meeting (GLRM) program information and other historical information. We’re not so much concerned with past GLRM, but we will post the final programs, etc.

So, the question we request that you consider is the following: is anyone willing to be GLR webmaster?

The GLR webmaster will not need to design the GLR website, just maintain it. GLR is prepared to pay a vendor for design services and the GLR website committee will send a request for proposal (RFP) after a webmaster is on board; GLR cannot have a site with random ads scrolling. It’s a good idea to have a webmaster in place during the design, to make sure the webmaster is comfortable. Ideally, the webmaster should plan to do this for several years.

Do not hesitate to contact me with your interest, and Joe Sabol (, chair of the GLR website development committee with any questions.

Thank you,
Lydia E. M. Hines
KACS Councilor
Great Lakes Region Board Chairman
21 April 2020

Call for Volunteers

ACS Members, my interests this year involve coordinating activities to bring us together and to understand your needs from the local and national ACS organization. Unfortunately, we have not been able to enjoy such activities in person, such as the 50 th anniversary of Earth Day. However, activities such as seminars or information sharing could be available via video. Is there interest out there?

This time of year, many chemists share their talents with science demonstrations at their local or children’s schools. Would people be interested in making a video that could be shared with your school? Other ideas? Do you know a teacher to ask about interest in such a program?

As always, any undertaking of our local section requires volunteers. Your Executive Committee has identified three areas of interest that require expertise that you may have and be willing to contribute this year.

  1. The Education Committee is looking for those interested in supporting our yearly chemistry test that ultimately provides the higher scoring students with a monetary award. Also, this committee seeks to partner with science teachers in Allegan, Van Buren, and Kalamazoo counties.
  2. The Kalamazoo Local ACS Website is undergoing renovation to a more user-friendly version. We are in need of volunteers to maintain and regularly update the site with useful information.
  3. Regular Monthly Newsletter facilitates communication among members. Our editor is looking for volunteers to contribute articles and photos of interest on our activities and areas of interest to our section.

I hope some of these thoughts and activities pique your interests to volunteer. Please contact any Local ACS Committee member for more information.

Edward Thomas

Useful COVID-19 Information

ACS Matters, which has a lot information regarding ACS’ resources, has been made available to assist ACS members, educators, other science professionals as well as legislators during this time of crisis; resources are being made available broadly and free of charge.

Visit the ACS Efforts and Resources on COVID-19 page for more information.

Do you have questions, comments, or a desire to contribute to the newsletter? Send an e-mail to