- Past KACS Chair Eklov named Kalexsyn CEO
- KACS Views ‘Mission Possible’: The Race for a Vaccine’
- Eleven Graduates Complete Certified Chemistry Curriculum
- 2021 Great Lakes Regional Meeting an Amazing Success
- Career News and Information from ACS
- Job Opportunities
- Free Chemistry Library Materials
- June – September 2021 Calendar
Past KACS Chair Eklov named Kalexsyn CEO
KALAMAZOO, Mich.—(BUSINESS WIRE)—Kalexsyn Inc. (Kalexsyn), a world-class CRO and CDMO providing chemistry services to the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry, announces that its Board of Directors appointed Brian Eklov to succeed Robert Gadwood, who is retiring, as Chief Executive Officer and Board member.
The CEO appointment was effective on May 18. Brian Eklov will focus on Kalexsyn’s sustainable growth, leveraging competencies and operational efficiency within the Dipharma Group, which acquired Kalexsyn in 2018 through its American subsidiary Dipharma, Inc.
In 2003, Robert Gadwood and David Zimmerman founded Kalexsyn and over the years the Company has become a world-class Contract Research Organization (CRO), providing innovative chemistry services to the biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. After the acquisition of the Company by the Dipharma Group, Robert Gadwood has continued to lead the Company.
“We are delighted to have Brian as Kalexsyn’s next CEO,” said Jorge Nogueira, Chairman of Kalexsyn’s Board of Directors and CEO of Dipharma Francis. “He has deep knowledge of the industry dynamics and has been an outstanding R&D director at Kalexsyn since 2016. With his commitment and determination, we will continue optimizing Dipharma’s value proposition to reinforce our presence in the U.S. Market, expanding the range of services offered to our customers, from discovery research through commercialization.” Eklov joined the company as a research scientist in 2007 after receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota and a post-doctoral appointment at the University of Illinois, where he trained in synthetic organic chemistry. Brian became Associate Director of Chemistry at Kalexsyn in 2012 and then Director of Chemistry in 2016 and is an active participant in governance of the American Chemical Society.
KACS Views ‘Mission Possible’: The Race for a Vaccine’
By Ed Thomas: KACS Chair
The documentary, “Mission Possible: The Race for a Vaccine” prepared by Pfizer in conjunction with the National Geographic Society, was viewed by the Kalamazoo Section of the American Chemical Society on June 10. More than 35 members from Kalamazoo and the invited St. Joe Valley, Huron Valley and Upper Peninsula local sections attended the ZOOM meeting.
The documentary covered Pfizer’s initial reaction to the need for a COVID-19 vaccine, the FDA experimental approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on December 11, 2020, to the first dose in a patient residing in the U.K. Following the video, two Pfizer scientists, Phil
Dormitzer (Chief Scientific Officer for Viral and RNA Vaccines, based in Pearl River, NY) and Mark Noe (Vice President, Discovery Sciences, based in Groton, CT), joined us for questions and answers. Then Ben Maxey (Senior Manager/Technical Leader Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Compliance, based in Portage, MI) and Chair-elect of Kalamazoo ACS, outlined the final process of vaccine formulation, sterile packaging and very-low-temperature storage for shipping to patients.
All the participants greatly appreciated the time and expertise shared by the Pfizer presenters. We are fortunate to be beneficiaries of their hard work and success.
Eleven Graduates Complete Certified Chemistry Curriculum
By Lydia E. M. Hines
In our May issue of The KalChemist News
a) we congratulated the two 50-year and five 60-year members of our Section; KACS Chair Ed Thomas and Councilor Lydia Hines spent a delightful afternoon on May 27 delivering certificates to a majority of them; it was a pleasure to have each so eager to bring us up to date on their current activities and life events!
b) We also extended congratulations to outstanding HS and College students and to WMU ChemClub members who graduated with degrees in Chemistry.
In this June issue we would like to continue our congratulatory theme to 8 students at Kalamazoo College and 3 at Western Michigan University who, in 2021, completed the ACS-certified chemistry curriculum; each of these graduates received an invitation from ACS to apply for a free 3-year membership upon graduation!
Kalamazoo College
- Alexandro R. Cruz
- Jennalise K. Ellis
- Camden W. Gardner
- Avika Jayatilaka
- Elayna R. Moreau
- Priya A. Pokorzynski
- Angela Ruiz
- Subi Thakali
Western Michigan University
- Sakinah binte Omar Alkhatib
- Scott MacFarlane
- Calden Somers
2021 Great Lakes Regional Meeting an Amazing Success
The Virtual 2021 Great Lakes Regional Meeting, which was hosted by the Minnesota Section of the ACS and took place from June 6 to June 9, was an amazing success!
With 625 registrants and several keynote speakers, along with “Lunch and Learn” options on a variety of topics not usually emphasized in one’s academic experience (e.g. patent information, entrepreneurial opportunities, small business development, applying to grad school, opportunities available at, and networking with faculty at, Liberal Arts Colleges (MACTLAC), etc.) the days were “Virtually” full!
There also were Award ceremonies, and at one of them the newly-elected VP of the WMU ChemClub, John C. Getson, was recognized for his poster/flash presentation in the Medicinal Chemistry area!
Career News and Information from ACS
By Lydia E. M. Hines, Councilor
The American Chemical Society (ACS) website is replete with information on the many careers as well as with all types of employment assistance information that ACS offers — some exclusively to those who are members, but also to others, if an individual is indeed interested and takes some initiative.
For Members
ACS takes a very proactive and generous approach to helping its members with their career aspirations; one of these opportunities may be found in the following item which describes the offer of weekly Virtual Office Hours with ACS Career Consultants every Thursday at Noon!
“Advance your career on the fly! Join an upcoming Virtual Office Hours with ACS Career Consultants, every Thursday at Noon ET, for casual small-group networking with fellow ACS members and convenient career advice. Register for free to receive personalized answers about resume writing, video interviewing, optimizing your LinkedIn profile, and more”
Open to All
Given that schools are out, please encourage any young person you may know who may be interested in “chemistry” as a career to take a look at the many and varied opportunities that are available and may be found on the ACS website at www.acs.org/careers
Examples are:
Discover Your Options with Careers & the Chemical Sciences
Whether you’re just starting your career or planning a career transition, our free Virtual Classroom on June 30, “Non-Traditional Careers for Chemists,” will help you make informed decisions about what career paths to explore and identify positions that match your needs. Learn about careers in chemical information, patent work, technical writing, education, human resources, sales and marketing, and much more.
Register now for the upcoming online Virtual Classrooms, where you’ll learn live from skilled experts, helping you achieve your career goals and get the boost you need to succeed.
Visit the ACS Virtual Classrooms home page to see all the upcoming sessions, and register today!
Navigate Your Career with ACS Career Pathways Workshops
ACS Career Pathways™ is a series of expertly designed, live, online workshops crafted specifically to provide career guidance to both up-and-coming and experienced professionals in the chemical sciences in navigating their futures. Choose from topics like “Résumé Development” and “Making the Most of Your Interview” to “Careers in Industrial Chemistry” and “Finding Yourself: Identifying a Career that Matches Your Strengths and Values,” and more! Career Pathways Workshops are FREE to ACS members.
Career Perspectives: Tips for Finding a Mentor at Work
Joe Martino, an ACS Career Consultant, focuses on mentors. He explains how they can help advance your career, and what to consider as you evaluate potential mentors.
Job Opportunities
Kalsec has several new opportunities available at its Kalamazoo, Michigan location. Kalsec is looking for Chemists, Chemical Engineers, and Food Scientists. Visit the careers section of their website (www.kalsec.com/careers) for details.
Free Chemistry Library Materials
These free Chemistry Library materials (see list below) are available from Dr. Don Butler in Holland, MI, to a caring “home”; if there is any interest, contact KACS member Tom Nanninga at t_cnann@charter.net. Essentially all are hard cover—library quality.
- Organic Syntheses Collective Volumes I-VI
- Organic Reactions Volumes 1-60
- Reagents for Organic Synthesis [Fieser & Fieser] Volumes 1-20
- Beilsten Organische Chemie 134 Volumes. {rescued from Parke Davis Library when Lab was closed}
- Compendium of Organic Synthetic Methods Volumes 1-5
- Azeotropic Data 3 Volumes
- Dangerous Properties of Industrial Materials [Sax] 3 Volumes
- Reductions in Organic Chemistry 2 Volumes
- Survey of Organic Synthesis 2 Volumes [Buehler Pearson]
- Solubilities of Inorganic & Organic Compounds 3 Volumes [Seidel]
- Synthetic Organic Chemistry [Wagner & Zook]
- Pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe [Kleeman und Engel]
- Textbook of Practical Organic Chemistry [Vogel]
- Comprehensive Organic Transformations [Larock]
- Several Years of Synlett-Thieme – not bound
KACS Calendar
Any member is invited to attend our Executive Committee Meetings; please contact Ed Thomas for information regarding how you may participate.
- June 21: KACS Executive Committee Meeting 6 p.m. (ZOOM)
- Project SEED will be virtual
- Project SEED will be virtual
- August 16: KACS Executive Committee Meeting 6 p.m. (ZOOM)
- August 22-26: National ACS Meeting (planned as “Hybrid” – virtual + in-person) in Atlanta, GA
- September 20: KACS Executive Committee Meeting 6 p.m. (ZOOM)
- Outdoor gathering/recruit new members?
- (tentative) Seminar speaker/possible ZOOM or social distancing