March 2021 – KACS Seminar

Dr. Kayunta Johnson-WintersU of Texas at Arlington Title TBD. Zoom link: (ID: 884  2614 8109; passcode gfNC43)


Dr. James Salvador, General Motors Title: “Sulfide Solid State Electrolytes for  Protected Li-metal Anode Batteries.” Zoom link: pwd=Q0VvOUN0VDFQVmMxL1JQSjFtMVk4UT09 (ID: 829 3929 4138; passcode: ks9Er8) 

Spring ACS National Meeting (Virtual)

Theme: Macromolecular Chemistry: The Second Century Registration for the Spring National ACS meeting, with the theme Macromolecular Chemistry: The Second  Century is now open. Complete information can be found at meetings.html.

Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (Virtual)

Topic: “Reducing our Footprint with Chemistry”  Celebrating Chemistry hands-on activity publications are available from Lydia E.M. Hines.

Seminar (Virtual)

Dr. Vasileios AnagnostopoulosUniversity of Central FloridaTitle:  “Geochemical controls of manganese oxides in the mobility of anionic contaminants in the environment:  the case of iodine and technetium.”Zoom link: pwd=ZUFJL0FiYXYyVXpFRWUzSm1IaHBCZz09(ID: 813 5913 7631;passcode: 9pG5q6)

Portage Green-a-Thon

11 a.m.—3 p.m. Environmental Awareness & Citizen Opportunities The Green-A-Thon event is a way to raise awareness of environmental issues that affect the citizens of Portage and to provide opportunities to become more ecologically friendly. Providing a forum for such opportunities is a critical step to ensuring a sense of social responsibility in participating and encouraging “green” behavior. Earth Day Oriented Exhibits & Games This family-friendly Earth Day festival is open to all and includes exhibits, games and giveaways such as tree seedlings. Numerous local vendors and organizations will be present. Exhibitor Booths & Tables Organizations and businesses are invited ...

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