- Happy New Year!
- Project SEED 2023—Calling Mentors!
- Opportunities to Get Involved
- Join KACS LinkedIn!
- January Joke – Positive
- Share Your News Now!
- KACS Calendar
Happy New Year!
As we start 2023, I would like to wish safe travels to our 2022 Chair-Elect Nicole Burke and her family, who are transferring to Europe for a temporary career opportunity. Unfortunately she will not be able to fulfill her term as KACS Chair from so far away, but we look forward to her eventual return to Kalamazoo and the KACS!
With Nicole’s absence, I will continue as the section Chair for six additional months. In July, our incoming Chair-elect, Dibyendu Mondal, will assume the Chair role early and continue through his full term in 2024. Ed Thomas will also continue supporting the section as Past-chair in the new year.
I am excited to continue working with our excellent Executive Committee, which also includes Doug Williams (Treasurer, beginning his second term), Jacob Kirkendall (Secretary), Lydia Hines (Councilor), and Tomasz Respondek (Alternate Councilor).
As we emerge from our Covid bubbles, we are looking forward to a busy 2023. Please watch the newsletter for many upcoming events and volunteer opportunities, both in-person and virtual!
Together in science,
Ben Maxey, KACS Section Chair
Project SEED 2023—Calling Mentors!
We are still looking for a few additional mentors for Project SEED next summer. Do you have an idea for a research project that a talented high school student can help you complete? ACS will provide the funding for the student if you have the space, materials, and passion to advise. Projects run for 8 weeks during summer break at a full-time commitment. Mentors will be included in the student selection process to help us achieve good placements for talent and interest. Project proposals are due by February 8 and student selections usually take place between mid-April to mid-May. Please contact Doug Williams if you would like to sign up and/or are interested in learning more.
Opportunities to Get Involved
Here are a couple of activities being considered for 2023 that could benefit from your leadership (e.g., a summer family picnic) and/or your participation (e.g., Speed-networking)!
Join KACS LinkedIn!
Remember to join the KACS LinkedIn site and check it regularly for information of interest!
January Joke – Positive
Two atoms are walking down the street. One atom says to the other, “Hey! I think I lost an electron!”
The other asks, “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m positive!”
Share Your News Now!
We would love to hear from you and share your news with fellow scientists in the Kalamazoo area! Send your news and events to newsletter editor Lydia E. M. Hines at lemhwgh@gmail.com by the end of the month in order to get it in next month’s newsletter!