- Toledo’s Mark Mason to present Spring Science Seminar at LMC
- KACS 2022 Awards Gathering – Invitation
- Tips for Successful Virtual Meetings
- Councilor Report – Spring 2022 ACS National Meeting in San Diego (Virtual)
- KRESA—KACS Partnership Meeting
- Chemistry at Home: Connecting Chemistry with Everyday Life
- KACS Calendar
Toledo’s Mark Mason to present Spring Science Seminar at LMC
Mark R. Mason, Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Toledo, will present the Spring Science Seminar, “Green Chemistry Principles for the Design and Use of Safer Chemicals,” from 3-4:15 p.m. on Thursday, April 21, in Room C-316 of the Main Building of Lake Michigan College’s Benton Harbor campus.
After serving as a postdoctoral associate with Dr. Andrew Barron at Harvard University from 1991-1993, Mason began his faculty career in 1993 as Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Louisville. In 1998, he moved his research group to Toledo where he currently serves as Professor of Chemistry. In 2011, he became the Founding Director of the UT School of Green Chemistry and Engineering (SGCE), serving in that role until 2020.
His current research focuses on the development of catalysts comprised of the Earth-abundant elements aluminum and iron for applications in organic synthesis and polymer production. Past research has included polymerization catalysis, ligand development, and fundamental chemistry of aluminum and gallium compounds.
Mason received his bachelor’s degree in chemistry in 1985 from Bowling Green State University, and his Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry in 1991 from Iowa State University.
This seminar is free and open to the public.
For more information, email jbeck@lakemichigancollege.edu or call (269) 695-2986.
KACS 2022 Awards Gathering – Invitation
In May of each year for the past 49 years the KACS has held an Awards gathering at which each chemistry teacher from our section’s high schools (Allegan, Kalamazoo and Van Buren Counties) and faculty at our two 4-year colleges have been invited to nominate an outstanding chemistry student, or graduating senior. These individuals as well as long-time ACS members and others are recognized.
This year, as last, instead of an in-person gathering we will meet virtually using the ZOOM platform. KACS members are invited to “attend” this gathering where we can hear from our student awardees of their aspirations and offer them encouragement on their journeys forward regarding the continuation of their plans for further studies and/or careers.
ZOOM Awards will be held Monday May 2, 7 p.m. (50/60 year members, HS students, WMU and K outstanding chemistry graduating seniors, etc.) Register in advance for this ZOOM meeting here.
Tips for Successful Virtual Meetings
From the March 2022 Councilor News and Committee Alerts – By Angie Abraham
Virtual meetings are the new normal. And with people starting to ask whether remote work arrangements might continue well into the future, it’s important to take steps to enhance the video experience of meetings. ACS Web and Research Representative Courtney Swecker offers these tips to make your next video-assisted call a success:
- Get the lighting right. Make sure you’re positioned for ample and balanced lighting.
- Choose the right background. Avoid a cluttered environment to help keep the meeting distraction-free. Check ahead to see if the videoconferencing platform has alternate backgrounds to select from.
- Do a sound check. Test your microphone and speakers before joining a virtual meeting. When you’re the presenter, a dry run is essential.
- Convey the right body language. Remember to sit up straight, just as you would in an in-person meeting.
- Get close, but not too close. Place your computer at the distance, where your shoulders or torso are visible.
- Play to the camera. Put the camera at eye level and look directly into your computer’s camera.
- Maintain interaction. Keep the attention of your meeting attendees with interactive features like polling, multiple choice questions and breakout rooms.
- Evaluate and enhance. If approved in advance for recording, record your session and review later to identify areas of improvement.
- Say your acknowledgements at the finish. If hosting the meeting, take a moment to thank everyone for their time and attendance. Wrap up by acknowledging those who helped with the meeting or presented.
Councilor Report – Spring 2022 ACS National Meeting in San Diego (Virtual)
By Lydia E.M. Hines, KACS Councilor
- By electronic ballot, the Council selected Mary Carroll and Rigoberto Hernandez as candidates for 2023 President-Elect. These two candidates, along with any candidates selected via petitions, will stand for election in the Fall National Election.
- The Committee on Nominations and Elections announced the selection of the following candidates for Directors-at-Large for 2023-2025 terms: Milagros (Milly) Delgado, Malika Jeffries-El, Will E. Lynch and Ellene Tratras Contis. The election of two Directors-at-Large from among these four candidates and any selected via petition will be conducted in the fall. Ballots will be distributed to all Councilors around October 1, 2022.
- The Council approved the continuation of the Committee on Chemists with Disabilities (CWD) and the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Chemists with Disabilities.
- The Council approved the Petition to Amend the Use of Dues.
- The total resource pool available for distribution to Local Sections and Divisions will be funded via a quasi-endowment established from the Society’s unrestricted investment balances.
- The Council approved a Division name change.
- Effective January 1, 2023, the Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry (CARB) will change its name to the Division of Carbohydrate Chemistry & Chemical Glycobiology (CARB).
- The Council approved a Petition to Charter an International Chemical Sciences Chapter in Switzerland.
- The Council approved the extension of market testing of the international dues discount program based on World Bank country income levels.
- The Council approved the 2023 Schedule of Membership.
- The 2023 Schedule of Membership did not change any dues, benefits, eligibility, or privileges from the 2022 Schedule.
- Highlights from Committee Reports
Highlights from Committee Reports
Nominations and Elections
The Committee on Nominations and Elections solicits Councilors’ input regarding qualified individuals for President-Elect and/or Directors for future consideration. Suggestions may be sent to nomelect@acs.org.
Committee on Committees
All Councilors, including new Councilors, were reminded to complete their online committee preference form for 2023 committee assignments. The preference form will be open to all ACS members and no one will be required to request permission to gain access to the form. The new form will allow users to review each committee by its main topic and focus, along with the skills and expertise needed to serve.
The committee preference form will open mid-April at CMTE.acs.org. Users will also be able to submit a skills assessment which will be used when considering which committees may best suit their talent.
KRESA—KACS Partnership Meeting
By Doug Williams and Carl Stachew
In our March newsletter, we asked if you would like to help our local section high school chemistry teachers and we heard from a few of you. It’s not too late to get involved but it is time to mark your calendar for 3-4 p.m. on Thursday, May 19 for a kickoff meeting with the Kalamazoo Regional Educational Services Agency (KRESA) on ZOOM. This will give us an opportunity to listen to the challenges our local teachers face and learn how we can help more effectively. Instructions for registration will be sent in our May newsletter. Please let one of us know if you have any questions about this exciting new project for KACS.
Doug Williams, treasurer@kalamazooacs.org, (269) 760-2360
Carl Stachew, carl.f.stachew@pfizer.com, (269) 720-0984
Chemistry at Home: Connecting Chemistry with Everyday Life
If you’re in search of fun and enriching science learning activities to do at home, over Spring Break or any time, check out Chemistry At Home from ACS. This free, online compilation of hands-on virtual learning resources for students in grades K-12+, or for anyone interested in learning a little more about the practical applications of chemistry in everyday life, is available at www.acs.org/chemistryathome. Organized by topic, these resources are designed to aid parents, teachers, and the science-curious in knowledge enrichment during these times when distance learning is still extremely valuable and occasionally advisable.
Materials from the Reactions video series, C&EN, magazines from the ACS Education Division, and the ACS portfolio of hands-on activities for students in grades K–12 and beyond are organized and bundled together into convenient groupings. The resources focus on five topics: The Earth, Water, Food, Health & Your Body, and The Periodic Table, putting a spotlight on the connection between chemistry and everyday life. Visit the ACS Education website to learn more and get started.