April 2021, Vol. 11(4)


ACS offering Kids Zone; register by April 16

ACS offering Kids Zone; register by April 16 in celebration of Earth Day, Thursday, April 22, a virtual chemistry outreach event will be offered from 1-2 p.m. EDT.
The Kids Zone is for young people ages 10-13 to explore how the chemistry of very big molecules can help understand, solve, and prevent environmental problems. It will be hosted by The ACS Committee on Community Activities and President H.N. Cheng. Registration deadline is April 16; so register now at www.acs.org/kidszone.

Project SEED 2021—Applications Wanted

By Doug Williams, KACS Project SEED Coordinator

In our February issue of The KalChemist News we explained that
ACS will offer an expanded Project SEED Virtual Summer Camp in 2021. On March 22, the student application portal opened.
Applications must be submitted by April 26, with parent consent due by April 30. Students can find all the information necessary for the application at www.acs.org/projectseed. If you know of a worthy student, please send them to the website and urge them to read all the information before beginning the application (please do not only send them the link to the application). The website contains a list of information and documentation they will need to include.

As always, if you have any questions or comments, please reach out to Doug Williams (dwilliams@kalsec.com) or to the ACS Project SEED office:
American Chemical Society
Education Division, Student Experiences
1155 16th St., NW | Washington DC 20036
T: 202.872.4380 | F: 202.872.4361
E: projectseed@acs.org l www.acs.org/projectseed

Great Lakes Regional Meeting Program Highlight
Invitation: “Reflections of Senior Chemists”

A Senior Chemists’ Virtual Coffee morning discussion, “Reflections of Senior Chemists,” will take place at the 2021 GLRM on Monday, June 7,
from 10-11:30 a.m. Lynn Hartshorn, retired from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, MN, is organizing the event.
All seniors are welcome, even if you are not registered. For “drop in” instructions, contact Lynn Hartshorn (lghartshorn@stthomas.edu). Lynn Hartshorn, editor of the (National) ACS Senior Chemists’ Committee Newsletter for several years, will introduce the discussion and talk briefly about the amazingly wide variety of activities that retired and senior chemists do.
After this, participants are welcome to give 5-minute descriptions of their
retirement activities and involvements. There will be door prizes (supplied by the Minnesota Section).

Please join us!

Children Learn about Germs, Disease Prevention and More

Edward W. Thomas, Ph.D., a retired Upjohn research chemist and Pfizer development team leader, spoke virtually to two groups of Kalamazoo Public School Students during the month of March. Susan Jude, spouse of past KACS chair, Hershel Jude, Ph.D., assisted in the presentation for the seventh graders.

Dr. Thomas’ presentation entitled “Germs, Disease Prevention, Immune Response and Treatment”
was well received by Ms. Nancy Klee’s fourth grade classes and Mr. Kevin Koch’s seventh grade
classes. In twelve slides, he explained what a germ is and how children can prevent diseases. He then explained how the body defends itself if infected. He also discussed how Pfizer vaccines are made in Andover, MA, and Portage, MI, and how vaccines work in the body. Ed also suggested additional reading about vaccines and Dr. Jonas Salk, the inventor of the polio vaccine.

The talk elicited many questions from the fourth graders. “Do you have to take the vaccine every year? Do the people who have had the virus need to be vaccinated? Can kids get the vaccine? Why can’t kids get the vaccine? What is polio? Can animals catch COVID?” They also expressed what they liked or learned: how vaccines are made, the immune cycle, the egg part (eggs have been used to make the flu vaccine) and how vaccines work.

Questions from the seventh graders included, “Can a third vaccination give you 100% protection? What happens if you have COVID-19 and you are vaccinated? Can the innate immune system fight off COVID? Why do some people get sick with COVID, and others don’t? Can we get rid of COVID? When can we go back to school?” All these excellent questions were answered honestly – some answers we just don’t have yet! After each presentation, the students “snapped their fingers” in appreciation.

For further information, or to request a presentation to fourth through eighth grade students, contact Ed Thomas, edwardwthomas@gmail.com.

American Chemical Society Virtual Council Meeting Highlights

by Lydia Hines, KACS Councilor

Election Results

Candidates for President-Elect, 2022

• By electronic ballot, the Council selected Judith C. Giordan and John C. Warner as candidates for 2022 President-Elect. These two candidates, along with any candidates selected via petitions, will stand for election in the Fall National Election.

Candidates for District V (KACS is in this District)

• Lisa Balbes and Joseph A. Heppert were selected as District V candidates. Ballots will be distributed to members residing in District V around October 1, 2021. (Please ascertain that National ACS has your correct e-address.)

Other Council Actions

Committee on Committees Petition

• The Council approved the Petition to Harmonize Committee Structures, Processes,
and Terms, as amended.
• This petition places all committees in one category called “Society Committees” – eliminating the several different types of committees.
• The years of service and the number of committee members on each Society Committee would now be consistent and would match the present terms of the Elected Committees: three-year terms with a two-term maximum for committee members.
• Certain (6) Society Committees will no longer have the “Councilor only” designation, allowing an individual to join and continue service on a committee regardless of their status as a Councilor.
• The Committee on Committees amended the petition prior to bringing it to Council, in response to several committees’ concerns, to include the bolded phrase:

The terms for a member of a Society Committee shall be three calendar years. A member of a Society Committee shall be eligible to serve two successive three-year terms on the same committee, however, that service could be extended if the appointing officer(s) determines that there is a compelling need for ongoing expertise on the committee.

• The Petition will become effective immediately upon approval by the Board of Directors, however, existing committee assignments will be start a transition to the term limits on January 1, 2022.

Committee on Local Section Activities Petition

• The Council approved the Petition to Amend the Duties of the Committee on Local Section
• This petition provides the Committee on Local Section Activities with the authority to
support Local Sections by taking action on their behalf, including appointing an interim
executive committee and/or facilitating a Local Section’s election when there is a lapse
in the local section’s leadership.

Committee on Membership Affairs

• The Council approved the 2022 Schedule of Membership.
• The Schedule reduces the base dues rate to $160 per year
• It establishes various dues categories and benefits packages based upon career stages, role in the chemical enterprise, and desired level of interaction by the Member with the Society.

Nominations and Elections

The Committee on Nominations and Elections solicits input regarding qualified individuals for President-Elect and/or Directors, for future consideration. Suggestions may be sent to nomelect@acs.org.

Extra Funds for KACS—Survey Reminder

By Doug Williams, KACS Treasurer

Did I mention money? In March’s newsletter, I wrote that ACS is giving us an extra $6,000 to spend on local section activities with particular emphasis on challenges that stem from the COVID-19 pandemic. We are looking for your ideas about how to spend it. Thank you to those who have already responded. You are few but mighty. What about the rest of you?!?!

Please submit your thoughts at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3DFQHWJ or email yours directly to treasurer@kalamazooacs.org. Please see our website at https://kalamazooacs.org/ for more information about our current and recent programs.

KACS Calendar

Any member is invited to attend our Executive Committee Meetings; please contact Ed Thomas for
information regarding how you may participate.

• Apr. 5-16: ACS National Meeting (Virtual), theme: Macromolecular Chemistry: The Second Century.
Registrants will be able to participate in 4,000 hours of live oral technical presentations and poster presentations, participate in virtual networking events, and discover various ACS Engagement Events taking place in conjunction with the ACS Spring 2021 meeting. Visit https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/meetings/acs-meetings.html to register and find the latest information. Select sessions will be available on demand for two weeks after the meeting.

• Apr. 5: Registration is now open for the 2021 Great Lakes Regional Meeting. Visit https://cvent.me/rqQ4xV.
$25 until May 3; $30 after May 3.

• Apr. 16: Deadline for registration for free online event Kids Zone in-home activities on April 22. This is a virtual in-home chemistry outreach event hosted by The ACS Committee on Community Activities and President H. N. Cheng in celebration of Earth Day, for young people ages 10-13 to explore how the chemistry of very big molecules can help understand, solve, and prevent environmental problems. Register now at www.acs.org/kidszone.

• Apr. 18-24: Chemists Celebrate Earth Week (Virtual). Topic: “Reducing our Footprint with Chemistry,” Celebrating Chemistry hands-on activity publications are available from Lydia E.M. Hines (269-375-7349).

• Apr. 19: Seminar by Dr. Vasileios Anagnostopoulos, University of Central Florida, 4 p.m., Title: “Geochemical controls of manganese oxides in the mobility of anionic contaminants in the environment: the case of iodine and technetium.”
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81359137631?
(ID: 813 5913 7631; passcode: 9pG5q6)

• Apr. 19: KACS Executive Committee Meeting, 6 p.m., via Zoom

• Apr. 25: Portage Green-a-Thon in area near City Hall on South Westnedge, 11 a.m.—3 p.m.


• May 10: Recognition/Awards Gathering for Members and Students, 7 p.m., contact Ed Thomas for details on joining this Zoom meeting.

• May 17: KACS Executive Committee Meeting, 6 p.m., via Zoom

• Borgess Marathon Run—KACS water station—Cancelled


• June 6-9, 2021 Great Lakes Regional Meeting (virtual). Hosted by Minnesota Section. Title: “Elevating the Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Chemistry.” Registration is open at https://cvent.me/rqQ4xV.
Cost is $30—visit www.glrm2021.org for the full program!

• June 21: KACS Executive Committee Meeting (Zoom)

• Project SEED, will be virtual