March 2023, Vol. 13(3)

WMU Chemistry Club Has Successful Semester

By Abigail Maletta – 2023 Chem Club President

WMU Chemistry Club at Chemistry Day at the Museum: SLIME Activity

The Chem Club at Western Michigan University has had a very successful semester: Starting in the Fall we have participated in many community events such as Chemistry Day at the Museum, STEM Nights at local schools, and an industry visit to Forensic Fluids Laboratory. Club events such as tie-dyeing and chemistry-themed bingo nights have been a fun way to increase membership! Our next big event is to help with Science Olympiad, which will be held this March.

We have increased our membership significantly since COVID and are looking forward to more in-person community events and volunteer opportunities.

The WMU Chem Club extends its thanks and good wishes to graduating E-board (Executive Board) members Abigail Maletta, President, and Jack Lyons, Vice-President—Abigail is continuing her education at WMU for a MS in Chemical Engineering (while working at Pfizer), and Jack Lyons is looking at graduate schools to further his studies in Chemistry!

WMU Chemistry Club presenting at Paramount Charter Academy STEM night: P-V-T Demo

Judith C. Giordan – ACS President Addresses KACS Local Section

By Ed Thomas

Dr. Judith C. Giordan, 2023 President of the ACS, and active ACS volunteer over her many years as a member, addressed the KACS section on Wednesday, February 22. Over 14 local members and nearly 15 students from Western Michigan University and Kalamazoo College participated in the Zoom meeting.

Judy enthusiastically started the session off by encouraging participation from attendees and focusing on the large number of students present. She highlighted science heroes—Pasteur and Edison—and quoted Nelson Mandela, to challenge students to find out how each of them could shine.

She then became more specific and asked everyone on the call, “Where are you going with your chemistry?” Individuals responded with concerns about fitting into industry, the lack of trust in science and the lack of participation by local members. She listened, fleshed out the concerns and added her support. She, too, had similar concerns. Others highlighted their “hopes and wants” from chemistry: Students would like to get a job in industry and others would like to improve our chemistry education programs in our schools

With this dialogue, she challenged us to find our own paths and potential solutions. This led to her plug to look at the ACS more closely. Even though it is a huge organization, as Judy pointed out there are avenues each one of us may follow: improve and excel in our participation within local sections, divisions and committees.

At the close of her presentation Judy highlighted her interests as ACS President. These are focused on improving the public’s trust in science and scientists, highlighting the revived ACS Speakers service, and providing encouragement for Regional Meetings to apply for NeXus grants ( Judy will be at both ACS meetings—in Indianapolis and in San Francisco—and she encouraged all to attend and make “networking” a priority.

The Zoom participants expressed their warm appreciation for Judy’s talk by a hearty round of applause.

Volunteers Needed to Help Plan ‘Members’ Meeting’ Set for June 24

KACS members! Our Executive Committee has committed to hosting a members’ meeting on Saturday, June 24, at the Oshtemo Township Park at 7275 West Main Street in Oshtemo. We need volunteers to help organize and conduct the event. We view the meeting, starting at 4:00 p.m., as a time to socialize outdoors, have members get reacquainted in person, and highlight benefits of the ACS to members and prospective members. Attendees and their families will be treated to a hot dog and hamburger cookout between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m.; the meeting will follow the meal. If this activity is something that interests you, and you have been looking for a way to increase your involvement, please volunteer.

Our anticipated volunteer needs are as follows: a few members to volunteer for 2 meetings to plan the agenda for the members’ meeting; a member or two to purchase, store and deliver food and paper goods for the picnic (cost reimbursable by the KACS); and on the day itself, 2 or 3 members to grill the hot dogs and hamburgers and set out the other picnic-type food. More details on final setup and needs will follow in future issues of The KalChemist News. Please contact meeting organizer Ed Thomas ( to express your interest in helping us make this a successful event.

Call for KACS Section Award Recipient

Our section is pleased to give The KACS Local Section Meritorious Service Award, which recognizes individuals in our Section “who have selflessly and continuously contributed their time and energy to the service of our section.” (For a list of recipients since its inception in 1989, visit If you have such a person in mind, please send your nomination, along with your rationale for the nomination, to the committee chair, Lydia E.M. Hines, at by April 21.